In-Depth Review | Great Resumes Fast
While not the biggest name on the block, has a number of aces that trump their larger
competitors. First and foremost in their favor – the President and CEO. A former Recruiter and HR
Manager, Jessica Holbrook is an expert resume writer, career and personal branding strategist, author and
presenter. There's a lot to be said for knowing who runs the company. But Holbrook doesn't just run the
company... she writes resumes, too.
In keeping with her background, Holbrook has selected an elite team of writers who are not only certified,
but steeped in Human Resources. That team includes HR Executives, Hiring Managers, former Recruiters, and
professional Editors. These are writers who have spent their careers sitting across the interview table from job
seekers, evaluating resumes and making hiring decisions. Does that give them an advantage when it comes to
writing a resume? We think so. And that perhaps explains the company's 99.9% success rate with their

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