Review of Resume Distributors...
and resume distribution services
Considering a resume distributor? A company that can forward your resume in a heartbeat to hundreds of
search firms--and perhaps even employers--targeted to your specific industry?
As a job seeker in this tough economy, you're fully aware that your resume needs to be seen before it can
generate interviews. Former recruiter David Alan Carter provides in-depth reviews of the top
resume distribution services on the Web. From posting your resume at top job banks to emailing your
qualifications to recruiters and employers, resume distributors save time, money and hassle.
Resume Distribution Service Reviews - About Our Top Picks And Rankings
The lure of the company offering resume distribution services is the old adage: time is money. Nobody with
access to a computer really needs a resume distribution service. That's because anybody with a computer
can perform the same task as the resume distributor - it's not rocket science. The problem becomes... at what pace
and at what cost.
For example, the resume distributor offers to send your
resume and a cover letter to 200 employers for thirty bucks. By our calculation, they're charging you 15 cents
for each employer. Now, you could do that yourself. But to research, identify an employer, uncover that
employer's FAX number, and actually send the project out -- all for 15 cents? Probably not the best and highest use
of your time.
We looked. And here's what we considered...
Resume Distributors - Quality Of Service
You were persnickety (and rightfully so) about the writing of your resume--professional looking layout, polished
presentation, phrasing that would make an adman proud. You know that packaging counts. By the same token, you don't
want a resume distributor who manhandles (figuratively) your paperwork and leaves it dog-eared and mustard stained.
So we looked for distribution services that were attentive and precise and focused on customer needs. Telltale
signs included:
Longevity. We valued those resume distributors that have been in business for years.
- Accessible. We liked to see a customer service phone number posted prominently (and answered by an
actual human being).
- Testimonies. We liked to see testimonials from customers identified by first and last names.
- Transparency. Extra points went to those services most open about their business methodology and
distribution lists.
Resume Distributors - Reasonable Pricing
Resume distributors are quite aware of their competition, and prices for the most part were very reasonable.
Especially for the biggest and most competitive players reviewed above.
Resume Distributors - A Guarantee
We like a good guarantee. Who doesn't? It also lends credibility to the service offered, and the company
standing behind the service.
And Finally, A Resume Distribution Service That's Easy To Work With
Everything's a hassle. Ever notice that? And just when you really, really need things to go right--like when
you're out of work or can't take another day under the oppressive thumb of Vlad the Impaler, the bakery supervisor
at Wisecracker Saltines--well, forget it. Hence, we put a good deal of stock in the resume distribution service
whose website navigated smoothly. Where information was readily available. Where pricing was up front and clear. In
short, we valued resume distributors who were easy to work with.
Look over our reviews. Consider our ratings and how we got to those ratings. And finally, choose a resume
distribution service that feels comfortable, and get on with the task at hand--getting your resume out
there for the world to see. Or at least for the right employers to see.
© David Alan Carter
All Rights Reserved
David Alan
Carter is a former technical recruiter (i.e.
headhunter) and founder of Resume One of Cincinnati. For more than ten years, he personally crafted
thousands of resumes for satisfied clients from all occupational walks of life, from entry-level to
senior executive.

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