- Rich Text Format Resume. Also known as an RTF (Rich Text Format) resume, this is a file format easily created from most word processing applications (Word, WordPerfect, etc.) by simply saving the resume as Rich Text (it will have a file extension of .rtf). Use the two-step "File, Save As" procedure in Word. As a general rule, simple graphics and embellishments (bold, italics, etc) will remain intact through the conversion, although more complex enhancements – graphs and tables – may not fair so well. An RTF resume sent as an email attachment is accessible across platforms and regardless of word processing software. And an RTF file attachment is less prone to viruses than Word. For those two reasons, RTF makes sense - especially when the job seeker doesn't know the file preference of the email recipient. - Portable Document Format Resume. A PDF resume is a file format that retains all the neat design elements - interesting fonts, bolds and italics, bulleted lists and the like - normally ascribed to application software. But it is delivered independent of application software. Meaning, recipients of your emails don't need to have your particular version of Word (or WordPerfect, et al.) on their computer systems to be able to open your attachment. It's accessible whether the recipient is working from a PC or a Mac, and it's considered virtually virus proof. On the down side, if a PDF resume is intended for a keyword-scannable database, the document itself must be physically scanned first (unlike an ASCII file, a PDF can't be send directly from the email to the database). - Web Resume. The Web-based or HTML resume is basically a published page on a website. It is advantageous because you can direct Web traffic to the site, and the resume can be as feature-rich as your imagination (and common sense) allows. If you're on the phone to an interested employer who wants to see your resume, you can refer that employer to the Web address of your HTML resume, bypassing email entirely. You do need to have a host and the architecture to publish a Web resume, both of which are doable but will require some effort - unless you've tapped a resume writing service that provides such a service. Pick The Right E-Resume File FormatThe particular format with which you transmit your e-resume will be dictated by the method of transmission (email, for example, vs posting to a job board or corporate website) as well as the intended target (human eyes vs computer software which will be scanning for keywords). Get the file format right, and get your resume read. Beyond that, it's up to the talent that went into crafting
that resume. A Final Thought...File format notwithstanding, if you've been in the job market for weeks or months and your resume isn't making the phone ring, it's time to reevaluate the document that is supposed to be selling you. Writing an effective resume has never been a walk in the park, but in this tough economy, resume writing is even more challenging. If your resume is going to be fighting for attention in an extremely competitive field, the services of a professional resume writer might make sense. If you opt for some help, seek out a certified resume writer, and a writer who will guarantee the resume he creates will generate interviews. Yes, they're out there. In fact, I can help you identify that "pro," that special writer who is qualified to deliver a polished document that puts your best foot forward in a tough job market. The page Resume Writer Reviews identifies 10 or more of the more popular companies out there, and I rank these writers on values like...
You’ll find star rankings, mini-reviews, and in-depth reviews on each of these 10 companies. Whether you go it alone or trust the services of a pro writer, I wish you the best of luck in your job search! – David
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