In-Depth Review |
As the largest network of independently contracted, certified resume writing professionals on the Internet, this
company truly has the resources to best match you with a writer most qualified in your profession. And when they
say "guaranteed interviews" in 60 days, they mean it; if you don't get a job interview after 60 days of having them
write your resume, they'll provide a new, re-written resume at no charge. You can even choose to work with your old
writer, or be assigned a new writer for a totally fresh take on your resume.
Note: The company isn't forced to double-down on their work very often. In the 10 years that they've
offered guaranteed interviews, they've had less than 50 requests for a re-write. Given their volume of
customers (we're talking tens of 1000's of completed orders), that works out to an enviable 99.98% customer
satisfaction rate.

NOTE: This website is monetized through the use of Affiliate Programs with the online resume
service providers we review. Read our Disclosure Statement for more information on our reviewer, and our Affiliate
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