1 - Certification. Resume writing isn't brain surgery, but it is a skill and an art that takes time and study to get the hang of. An online resume service that employs writers who are certified in their craft is signaling that they get it. That they want to give their clients access to writers who have had to demonstrate their writing chops and earn a certain level of distinction in their field. While no doubt there are some writers on the internet who can do a bang-up job with no certificate in sight, the smart bet is to make sure your online resume service employs only Certified Professional Resume Writers. 2 - One-On-One Interview. The best way for an online resume writer to get to know you – the nuances of your work history, your goals, the talents you bring to the table – is to conduct a one-on-one interview by phone. Filling out an email or online questionnaire is fine for gathering routine background information, but a phone interviews allows the writer to draw out your unique qualifications and do a better job of marketing you to prospective employers. Make sure the online resume service you choose offers a one-on-one telephone interview with your writer to flesh out your qualifications. 3 - Editing Your Resume. No job seeker should be left in the lurch after receiving his resume back from an online resume service. The better services will continue to work with you after the sale, listening to your feedback and editing the resume to your satisfaction. 4 - Guaranteed Interviews. Yes, there are some online resume services that actually guarantee your new resume will land interviews. If not, they'll re-write that resume at no charge to you. A rare few will even offer some money back – plus a re-write. While any professionally prepared resume from a reputable service is likely going to increase the odds of landing interviews, an interview guarantee is added assurance that you're getting value for your resume dollar. Online Resume Service - My Pics & RecommendationsSelling a candidate with nothing more than words on paper is tough - especially in today's job climate when so many resumes are out there competing for so few jobs. Can you write your own resume? Of course, with time and study and a bit of marketing acumen. But not everybody has the time or the inclination. And remember, every day that a sub-par resume is representing you in the marketplace, and not delivering interviews, is one more day further from a paycheck. My advice? Pick out a 5-star online resume service that you're comfortable with, and let a certified professional resume writer get started on your resume. In the end, after the first interview you secure with that new, high-powered resume, I believe you'll find the cost well justified. Click the link and visit our home page, where we compare 10 of the Web's most popular Online Resume Services. Best of luck in your job search. --David
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