Resume Critiques...
resume writing services offering
a paid resume critique
What if all you want is a resume critique? You might have a resume that you crafted yourself, or one that was
prepared by a pro. Either way, maybe you're not getting the results you had hoped for. The phone's not ringing and
email replies to your online submissions are far and few between.
Time to get a second opinion. With the economy plodding and people chasing jobs in herds, now is not
the time to keep cranking out a resume that isn't firing on all cylinders. You're probably aware there are resume
writing services offering free resume critiques. Be careful, though. Some of these "free" critiques are of
questionable value. Most if not all are simply ploys to get you signed up with their service, and offer
little if any helpful advice.
Is a "paid" resume critique any better? In general, yes. Of course, it depends on the company. But a
paid critique is more likely to be a stand-alone product, and as such is more likely to offer a
higher degree of objectivity and a greater focus on genuinely helping you fix what's wrong with your resume. That,
as opposed to a "free" such service which is primarily a marketing ploy to convert you into a paying customer of
their resume writing service.
One company in particular offers a paid resume critique (or analysis) as part of their lineup of
services. It's comprehensive (8 pages) and written by a certified resume writer. The company -
Great Resumes Fast -- is one of our
5-Star resume services, in large part due to the elite team of highly credentialed writers assembled by CEO
Jessica Holbrook. These HR Execs, Hiring Managers and former Recruiters put out some of the best writing we've
seen on the Web. Snapshot below...
What To Expect If You're Paying for a Resume Critique
- The critique should be in written form (most practically, via email), so you can review and study the
- The critique should be penned by an actual, professional resume writer and not a secretary or the
receptionist on the company's front line.
- The critique should be a top-to-bottom, comprehensive review of your existing resume, with meaningful
suggestions for improvement of each section of that resume. Suggestions that you can implement immediately to
begin changing the dynamics of your job search.
- It should be timely. A conscientious writer understands that time is of the essence in a job search.
© David
Alan Carter
All Rights Reserved
David Alan
Carter is a former technical recruiter (i.e.
headhunter) and founder of Resume One of Cincinnati. For more than ten years, he personally crafted
thousands of resumes for satisfied clients from all occupational walks of life, from entry-level to
senior executive.

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