4) dedicate additional time to provide feedback to the client, answer any questions, and potentially perform additional edits as per the clients' instruction. The company on the Web that is offering to write a resume for $25 or even $50 is simply not performing all of the above – they can't at that price. At best, the writer employed by the company will access a worksheet that you've completed, and put something together using pat phrases and a very standardized template. If you're an accountant, your finished resume will look OK, but it will also look like hundreds if not thousands of other resumes of accountants. To that end, you will have not distinguished yourself on paper, nor elevated the likelihood of securing that job interview above any of the others competing for the same position. And that company charging $1000? Well, they'd better be good. The only justification for that kind of money is if the writer is one of a few true masters of the executive-level resume (we found one here), or the resume package includes multiple hours of legitimate career counseling, or access to a cubicle, phone and fax for a few months (like the offerings of some outplacement services). Or the keys to the owner's Lamborghini for the weekend. So, what is a fair price for a professionally-written resume?Recent college graduates or those seeking an entry-level position should expect to pay somewhere from $100 to $200. Those seeking a mid-level professional position, with 2-5 years of relevant experience under their belt, should expect to pay $150 to $350 for a well-crafted resume. And for that price, there are companies that will guarantee job interviews from that resume. Executive-level experience or those with highly technical or complex backgrounds should generally expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1000 or more. Much more, if you want the cream-of-the-crop working on your personal marketing campaign. Such resumes not only require more time on the part of the writer, but require a writer with an insight into management and business that many don't have, and a skill set to translate that complexity into a language that sells the client in the face of extremely stiff competition. The good news is that there are resume services out there with well-qualified writers who can make you shine on paper–without taking out a second mortgage on the house. And because of the internet, those writers are available with a few clicks of your mouse. BTW, if you'd like to quickly narrow your search down to the top 10 leading resume writing services on the Web, jump to Resume Writing Service Reviews where I give each a star ranking and a mini-review. Best of luck. --David
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