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In-Depth Review | Résumé Writing from Monster.com

Monster Resume Writing Services
Views and Opinions
David Alan Carter

Our Overall Rating
for the

Resume Writing Service


Monster – a familiar name in the job search world, to be sure. But can their resume writing service cut it? In a word: maybe not.

OK, that's two words. But in years past, the answer to that question would have been a definitive yes. Back then, Monster was partnering with the online division of Career Services Group, Inc., the company that pioneered online career services in 1996, and had 30+ years experience in the industry. All that changed in January 2015 when Career Services Group was bought out by Talent, Inc. Monster's resume service is now being farmed out to a Talent, Inc. division called TopResume. Sadly, TopResume has a sketchy history with the Better Business Bureau, and complaints are mounting.  

We'll revisit this page in the near future with detailed pro vs. con, pricing info, etc. Until then, we advise readers to exercise caution if not avoid the company completely.

David Alan Carter



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