Dan, how about neither. Both have disadvantages when it comes to an executive resume, especially the functional format, which immediately raises red flags with most recruiters and hiring officials. The functional format in its pure form is most often associated with someone trying to hide something – be it gaps in employment, too many jobs, or lack of experience relevant to the objective. The chronological format, in its pure form, can put people to sleep faster than warm milk and a lullaby. I recommend a hybrid of the two. Taking a cue from the functional format, start out with a profile or summary
section that provides an overview of your qualifications – including specific accomplishments that speak to your
capabilities and tie directly into your objective. This is your "hook." Follow that with the experience or work
history section that provides context and support to those accomplishments. Sidebar: If you need for an executive-level resume, you've got a task ahead of you. You can do it, of course, if you've got some marketing acumen and the time and energy to devote to studying contemporary resume techniques, executive branding, and the development of online identities at sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Profile, etc. That's right, in today's world, you not only need a traditional, fully-formatted, must-read resume, but the job seeker needs to be skilled in the intricacies of social media. Should you consider outside help? Well, if your field is particularly competitive, or if you're finding it
difficult to express your job qualifications in a promotion -- yet unbiased -- manner, there are a few
executive resume writers who can help. One cautionary note: there are many more "executive resume writers" who
don't live up to their billing.
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